Rapper 50 Cent playfully took a jab at Beyoncé’s country music career by sharing a country version of his hit track “In da Club.” In the video, he humorously refers to himself as “Conway Fitty” and adds the words “tight fittin’ jeans.”

Rapper 50 Cent playfully took a jab at Beyoncé’s country music career by sharing a country version of his hit track “In da Club.” In the video, he humorously refers to himself as “Conway Fitty” and adds the words “tight fittin’ jeans.” His caption reads, “My country album on the way Beyoncé ain’t got s*** on me. LOL.” The post has garnered significant attention online, with over 934,000 views1Beyoncé, who recently released her country album “Cowboy Carter,” achieved the biggest opening week of 2024 in the U.S., debuting with 407,000 equivalent album units1Interestingly, this isn’t the first time 50 Cent has shared a cover of one of his songs; he previously altered his track “Window Shopper” to sound like a 1950s song from the TikTok account @ai.slaps1. 😄

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